Winners alright,

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May 012007

Weekend Award Winners.

Tony Cahill with Saturday’s man of the match award, John “Bull” Hayes with his “Munster player of the year” award, Brendan Deady with the AIL Div. 3 Trophy and George Clancy with his “Munster Referee of the year” award with Ger Malone, President Bruff R.F.C. All the trophys seen above were received last weekend, probably the best haul in a single weekend ever in the history of Bruff R.F.C.

Heres another shot of the guys in the greenery……

Who’d hide in the bushes from these guys?

Yup not bad for “The small Family oriented Country Club”.

Stick that in yer pipes boy, Who cares if ye don’t want to let the public in fer a drink….. 🙂