May 192014

Why not come along to our President/Captains night on Friday 30th May as both a way to finish off the old season and kick start the new. Refreshments, music and some old faces will be there on the night, all are very welcome.

May 182014

To all members, as you can appreciate there is a substantial amount of voluntary work required in the running of our club, with this in mind there are a number of positions available in the club at the moment, both at committee and officer level.  Please contact any officer if you are interested in getting more involved in the club regardless of how much time you feel you can give, all help  is welcome and appreciated.

2014 AGM

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May 182014

A reminder to all Club members that the AGM takes place on Wednesday 28th May at 7.30pm. All members very welcome. Please also note that any motions are to be presented to the Hon. Secretary a minimum of 7 days in advance of AGM.