Feb 242018

After France doing the business last night we have a new leader with Ed Kenny, Mike O Connor and Eoin Cahill are hot on his heels. Today could see a big change in the leader board. only 2 from 70 have gone for a Wales victory. Safe to say that would be different if sheets could be filled in now. However the England v Scotland Game will be a decisive one as 22 have gone for Scotland 48 for England. Only 1 member of the Top 5 has gone for Scotland so it could be all different come 6.30pm this evening. Top Ten after French game as below


Name Points
Ed Kenny 84
Mike O’Connor 83
Eoin Cahill 82
Brian Collins 81
Ken Daly 80
Leo McGrath 78
Tom Mitchell 78
Mikey O’Grady 77
Tony Clifford 76
Liam Lynch 76


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