Anti-Doping Policy


Bruff Rugby Football Club fully recognises the need and its responsibility to remain vigilant at all times to the threat of performance enhancing drugs in the sport of rugby football and implements an anti-doping policy in line with the IRFU,  Irish Sports Council (ISC), World Rugby and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) regulations and guidelines.

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Keep Rugby Clean: The IRFU support anti-doping and advise all players to participate in the World Rugby KEEP RUGBY CLEAN e-learning programme: Irish Sports Council: The ISC provide an excellent education platform online:


Such is rugby’s commitment to Anti-Doping that in addition to participating in the ISC National Programme Testing, the sport is one of just seven that directly funds additional ISC testing each year. With the support of the ISC Anti-Doping Unit and World Rugby, the IRFU is one of the few sports which has a dedicated age grade testing programme and undertakes an Age Grade Anti-Doping Education programme across all National and Provincial Age Grade Teams (U18 Schools, U.18 Clubs and U20s). The programme encompasses education and anti-doping control (testing) and a blend of workshops conducted by the ISC and completion of the World Rugby Real Winners e-learning modules.

Anti-Doping Officer

If you have any queries in relation to anti-doping, please contact Bruffs Anti-Doping Officer: Dr. Michael Lynch 061-383715 or the IRFU: Gordon Black (IRFU Anti-Doping Officer)

WADA Rules

WADA Prohibited List