Bruff Rugby Football Club

Clionas Foundation: Stars, Choirs & Carols Needs our Help Urgently at short notice.

Hi all,

I enclose a copy request asking for your help on this coming Thursday in Croke Park for the Guinness Book of records Record breaking attempt.

Brendan & Terry Ring along with their respective families are longstanding members of Bruff RFC and the club have had a long standing association with the Charity Cliona’s Foundation.

This coming Thursday from 4-9:00pm they are attempting to beat the world record for the most number of Carol Singers in one location and they have asked for our help in achieving this.

What they need is volunteers to give up a little of their time to help in stewarding the event. (Approximately 20 minutes during the show)

 While I know that it is extremely short notice, If you could forward this message, PowerPoint presentation, website, twitter and Facebook links to your club members emails and mobiles, put it on your twitter feed, Facebook page and website,  it would be greatly appreciated. They need to get over 300 volunteers to steward on the day.

If you can help by volunteering on the day, or in any other way, please contact Annette Cullen by email to or by mobile/text to 087-6292588.

We know it’s asking a lot at very, very short notice but we would consider this a great favour to us and our club.

The website, Facebook links, Twitter links, email address and Mobile number to contact are at the bottom of the attached email.

Annette Cullen []
Sent: 17 December 2013 17:53
To: ‘Richard Leonard’
Subject: RE: Stewards for Stars, Choirs and Carols Event in Croke Park


Hi Richard


As you know Stars, Choirs and Carols is an event to be held in Croke Park on the 19th of December. It is a Guinness World Record Attempt for the most number of Carol Singers in one place.  The event is being held for the Clionas Foundation which is a unique charity that provides financial support for families with children who are critically ill or suffering from a life limiting condition (you may have seen it on the Secret Millionaire in 2012 you can click on a link on the website to watch)


As part of the record attempt I need to have 1 steward for every 50 people which amounts to 310 stewards based on 15200 singers taking part no pressure eh?


I would be grateful if you could put a call to action out asking anyone that would be willing to volunteer on the evening between 4 and 9 to contact me on my  mobile number or my email address. They will be able to sit and watch the show and we will just require to perform the role of steward for about 20 mins. I will need them here from about 4pm to 9pm.


I have attached a powerpoint that you can use the content of as you see fit.


If you tweeting its @starschoirscaro


If your putting it up on facebook the call to action is for volunteer stewards.


The links to web pages etc are on my signature below and also in the powerpoint.  If you need anything else please just let me know.


Kind regards



Annette Cullen

Event Programme Co-ordinator


Stars, Choirs & Carols …….”Singing for Success” on behalf of 

The Sanctuary & Cliona’s Foundation

Mobile: 087 629 2588



Twitter: @starschoirscaro





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