The thirds recoded their first league win of the year with a 42-12 victory over Clonmel in Bruff on Saturday afternoon. Bruff finished with a total 5 trys, 4 conversions, 2 penalties and a drop goal. The trys came from Tommy Leahy, Des Power, Dave Clarke, James McCarthy and Ronan Kirby. Rictie McAuliffe added the place kicks, with the DG coming from the boot of Dave Clarke. Team: 1 K Carroll,2 S Sheahan,3J O Gorman4, D Power5, T Leahy6, T Clancy7, M Hennessy8, J McCarthy9, T carroll10, D Clarke, 11 N McNamara, 12 R Kirby,13 R McAuliffe 14 J Hayes15, J O Sullivan Subs From: T Casey, J Wallace, K O Sullivan, D Barnes
The Seniors had a 10-14 win in Belfast today, Report to follow.