AGM 2008

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May 302008

Last nights AGM was the biggest for quite a while with an attendance of well over 100 people. A testament to the good year that the club has had.

I hope that I didn’t leave anyone out of the Secretary’s Report, like I said, I was filling in as acting secretary on the night and it was the first one that I had done. I did however forget to slag off our good friend the happy hooker, Johnny and the big mention he got in a letter from our Banbridge friends to the club a couple of weeks ago.

On a personal note I wish to thank especially the people that proposed me for the position of PRO for the coming season and all of those that voted for me. I know that I am filling in quite large boots but I will endeavour to raise the bar even higher than it already is and hopefully when I leave, that things will be in an even better condition to those that follow. This is how I feel it should be done and I know that everyone of the committee members feel the same.

Anyway following the A.G.M. here is a list of the officers and committee of the club for the coming season. There has been some changes in personnel but as we head into the second division for the first time in our history we can assure you that the Executive Committee will rise to meet the challenges posed and will keep the club running in the professional manner that you are used to.

Committee 2008-09 Season

President: W. Conway
President Elect G.Hehir
Vice Presidents: R. Donworth
M. Cooke.
L. Carroll
S. Clancy
G. Malone
J. O’ Grady
Chairperson. P.Dunne
Vice Chairperson S. Clancy
Hon. Secretary A. Enright
Ass. Secretary M.O’ Callaghan
Treasurer G.Hehir
Ass. Treasurer S.Falvey
P.R.O. R.Leonard
Adult Reg/Mem. Co-ord M.O.Callaghan
Munst. Branch Delegate G. Malone
Deputy Branch Delegate J.Carroll
Fixtures Secretary. J.Wallace
Club Medical Officer. Dr. J. Ryan
Club Committee. J.Moran
D.O’ Brien
B.O’ Leary
B.O’ Donnell
Bar Secretary. N.P.Cooke
Trustees N.P.Cooke
W. Conway
Club Coaching Director P. Gennery
Disciplinary Committee. M.O.Donnell
Club Captain Cathal O’ Regan.
Vice Captain Brian Cahill

Well, Munster bring Rugby season finally to a close.

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May 222008

This weekend is it, Heineken Cup Final, Cardiff again, we’re going for 5 days dunno bout anyone else but it appears as if Limerick will have tumbleweed blowing through the streets over the weekend until the y come from all around to the big screens on saturday. After that She’ll be rockin’ I’d say, (Hopefully).

We’re bringing our season to a close with the A.G.M. next Thursday night. Today is the last day for nominations and motions and unless I have them before 4:00 p.m. you’re out of luck for this year.

A.G.M. next Thursday 29th May at 8:00 p.m. in Kilballyowen Pavilion.

More after the weekend.

Annual General Meeting, Thursday May 29th, 8:00 p.m.

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May 132008

The Annual general meeting of Bruff R.F.C will take place at the Clubhouse Pavilion, Kilballyowen Park on the 29th of May, 2008.

All nominations or notices of Motion to be sent to the Hon. Sec. or to Me by Thursday May 22nd, 8:00 P.M. (7 Days beforehand). Nominations or notices of motion must be in writing and duly proposed and seconded.

All members are invited to attend and have your say, offer to lend a hand or even just tell us that we had a great season. 🙂

Get there.