Hi folks,
A few people have commented regarding the theme that is currently being used on the site and it’s difficulty in negotiating your way around, particularly regarding some of the older stuff that people are rooting through or looking for. With this in mind and while I have some time, I’m considering a change to the look and layout.
This will not affect the content, everything will still be there, merely rearrange the front page (in particular) and how things look once you delve a little deeper into the site, hopefully make it easier to find older stuff that hasn’t seen the light of day since it was put up.
I’m thinking of running a more “Magaziney” feel, having recently very successfully transformed a Limerick based political/current affairs website. Basically, what this means is that you will be easily able to access all of the different sections of the site more or less with one click directly from the front page. a bit like the “Irish Times” or “independent” websites or some of the on-line magazine types. Things may go a little hairy from time to time over the next ten days or so, but in the end I hope to be able to give you all a far better looking, more usable site.
Now this is not just change for changes sake, it is designed to improve things. If anyone has any ideas for additions, now is the time to let me know. If you think some things should have more prominence, let me know. if you think something is missing, let me know. I’ll do my best to accommodate any and all requests, without too much guff or backchat. 🙂
Just add a comment to this page or send us an email if you have any suggestions to make, I’m going to stick this page to the front for the duration.