It may be late but far better late than never.
Munster V New Zealand All Blacks Photos.
Some Photos from the other night in a slideshow again for ye.
Click here for the photos.
The above is a much cut down version of a much better panorama photo I promised to do since the place opened.
Clicking on the picture should take you to a bigger version of the photograph. The Original is absolutely huge, measuring 120cms x 37 cm when printed at full 240 DPI resolution.
This is up for grabs if people want a print. Photo or Canvas Paper, I’ll put whatever title you wish on it.
The print is much richer and a bit darker than the on screen version. The colours are much richer.
Offers if you want one. I’m Easily Bribed .
Panoramic Photo of Finished Thomond Park at night
Now, following on in the series, I took a load of shots prior to the kickoff last Friday night and scrambled this panorama together earlier this evening.
After looking at it, I should have moved to the middle of the pitch to balance it out, and waited until the crowd came in, just as well I didn’t though as with the malfunctioning turnstiles, I would have been clubbed insensible trying to stand up to take this when the patrons actually managed to get in. I was supposed to be in one of the non-existing seats that got moved from the east stand behind the press box to the west stand…..
I personally don’t think it’s good enough but If anyone wants a print, it comes out at about 870mm (nearly 2 ft 11 inches) wide by 175mm (nearly 7 inches) high when printed at 300 dpi (Photo quality).
I’ll return to do another one at a later date, I’ll also try and do a daytime one.
Click on the picture for the web version.
Well, I can’t really justify putting up a post when my good friend BOCK has written far better than I ever could, but I did take a load of photos. For some reason the order got all scrambled up, probably has something to do with deleting a load off the card half way through to save changing cards.
You’ll just have to forgive the order they are placed in the slideshow and watch the whole lot.